MOVIES-1094 Renata B vs Denise


Renata B
Renata B
Nude Wrestling
Nude Wrestling


This is a real fight between Renata B. and Denise. They’re both mature and very experienced strong women. Both want to win. Denise is looking better than ever with sculptured muscles like an ancient Greek Amazon and with a tanned body. This is a tough catfight with scissors, head scissors, chin locks, hair pulling, clothes ripping and slapping. If you like female catfights and real fights then you’re going to love this apartment fight between two of the best fighters. Their fight starts with both being dressed in stockings, skirts and shirts and while it ends naked. Interviews before and after their fight will show you what they’re thinking.

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Additional information

Duration 24 minutes
Video format / quality

MP4 1280×720 50fps (H.264)

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