MOVIES-814 Petra and Max vs Eva N and Emanuella


Eva N
Eva N
Non-Competitive Wrestling
Non-Competitive Wrestling


Please read: This was a sponsored match and unlike most other competitive DWW matches, this is a semi-competitive match, dedicated only to the beauty of the “chest-style” SGPIN. Also this is a match we cannot really put into a certain category. Is it a mixed wrestling match? Not really. Is it a topless female only wrestling holds match? Not really because there is also one guy participating. Therefore we ask you for putting this match into that category you wanted to place it yourself.

Max and Petra are meeting Eva N. and Emanuella again. Now both Petra and Max are wearing jeans, but all of them are still topless. There’s no wrestling in this match. Both Eva and Emanuella have learnt that they’re having no chance against their bigger friends and they lie down deliberately. Max is sitting on Emanuella and Petra enjoys Eva. Lateron Petra is sitting on Emanuella while Max is sitting Eva once again This definitely is a very good video for all fans of very long chest style SGPINs.

Additional information

Duration 18 minutes
Video format / quality

MP4 1280×720 50fps (H.264)

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